We are proud to launch the Glowgear GEN2 wireless targeting system at Horton Park GC, Epsom UK
To learn more about how to outfit
your range for SPRING 2018
310 999 9767
HOW IT ALL HAPPENED – Launching the ship
The idea to transform the range from bland to grand and make it interactive began about 6 months ago with a design and an excited vision. The best part of the process was that once we decided on a course layout we were able to install the GEN2 prefabricated targets and lights in just two days. Then came testing of the lights and the mesh network. After we passed those hurdles it was time for launch. From this it’s become clear that we can transform any range to evening entertainment in just one week. Since a driving range is 250 yards of grass, the idea of filling it up with interactive targets was unthinkable. It’s now a reality everyone can take advantage of.
Now, we are excited to say that Horton Park is up and running with the first interactive driving range targets in the UK. The Cosmic Driving Range will take place every Saturday night. Bravo to everyone that helped make it happen.
If you are a driving range looking to create an interactive experience, the GEN2 system is streamlined, weatherproof and bright. Give us a call to learn more about how we can transform your facility for 2018.
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