We are more than amped to be putting on the first Night Golf National Championships at Dubsdread Golf Course in Orlando, FL January 27-28th. This is the first step to create a new, legitimate sport in golf with a legit championships.
DUBSDREAD SERIES: We are putting on a three event series during December for everyone in the Orlando area to get a chance at qualifying for the Nationals. Dates will be Saturday Dec 10th, Saturday Dec 17th and a PRE-NEWYEARS NIGHT GOLF EXTRAVAGANZA Dec 30th!
CALL TO REGISTER TODAY: 407-246-2551 or Glowgear at 310.999.9757
SIGN UP FOR NATIONALS: Open entry $95 per player for 2 night event! CAll today!
EVENT FORMAT: Qualifiers and the Nationals will be a 4 man scramble format with a men’s, women’s and mixed champion awarded at the Nationals
ENTRY INTO EVENT: Qualifying events will be $45, which include the new GlowV1 night golf ball and charger
THE PARTY: Since we are the awesome Cosmic Driving Range, we are going to put on a great mixer before and after each night that will showcase the new Dubsdread aqua range. The first of it’s kind…on the planet.
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