THESE PUPPIES DESTROY GLOW STICKS! We here at Glowgear have been busy beavers trying to solve the biggest problem in night golf – lighting the putting greens! Now players at the night golf nationals will be able to play serious golf by seeing their tee shots, bunker shots and especially the break on the putting greens. No more brailing in the dark with glow sticks wrapped around the pin flag. We are going to do it right! Our new carousel of five ‘Master Blasters’ light up a 3oft round circle with ‘eye friendly’ green accent light that doesn’t mess with your rods and cones. (night vision) It just bathes you in a cool green light that allows you to score. So combine this with tour quality night golf balls and you are playing legit golf…just at night.

Glow lights for putting greens at night

We took these photos during the 24 Hour golfathon to raise money for child hood cancer at TPC Sugarloaf. The lights were turned on at 8:30pm – went through a two hour drenching (rain delay) and then kept running until 6:30 am the next day. (last photos) That’s durability and long life.

night lights for putting greens


Most people don’t realize that one of the most dangerous parts of the night golf experience is players hitting onto a green with players still on it. They do this because they cannot see who is on the green and in many situations they can’t see more than a thin glowing pin. Our night golf light changes that on a quantum level and creates the safety necessary to create a fun and safe experience for everyone.

night golf lights for lighting up putting greens

Putting green lights for night golf and golf courses

Night golf putting green lighting system


Putting green lights for night golf

Putting green lights

golf putting green target lights