OPEN UP THE NIGHT TO NEW REVENUE We are excited to introduce the GEN2 wireless ‘big field’ targeting system for large and small driving ranges. With our lithium powered SmartCore lights and sealed air targets, any driving range can enter into legitimate Target golf entertainment. Glowgear will be offering both driving range target packages and […]
Tag Archives: targets

World Golf Hall of Fame Cosmic Event
WE ARE LIGHTING UP THE LAKE If you’ve never been to the World Golf Hall of Fame, you are missing something special. Well, we are going to make history, Monday May 22nd at the ING Conference. We are setting up a very cool ‘skeeball’ course of three water targets and one land target on their […]

Glowgear Intelligent Targeting Overview
To all golf course and driving range owners, below is an overview of the Gen2 Intelligent targets by Glowgear

THE ULTIMATE AQUA TARGET RANGE IN THE WORLD! Thanks to all the work at Dubsdread Golf Course in the heart of Orlando for helping us launch our 2017 Gen2 Intelligent golf targets for the driving range and golf course. We designed these targets specifically for the Dubsdread water range. Once we launched the course and […]